Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When is ____ on?
A: CLICK HERE for the TV Show schedule list.

Q: I’m getting directed to Mediafire’s home page (or error page) instead of the download page! What’s going on?
A: Click here for the solution!

Q: What is the password for the download site (Example: Mediafire)?
A: Go back to where you found the download links and you should be able to find the password there.

Q: What is the password for one of the files I’ve downloaded? I need it to extract the files!
A: Go back to where you found the download links and you should be able to find the password there.

Q: I’ve joined the files together but whenever I play them, it stops at some point. What should I do?
A: Make sure that you’ve completely downloaded each parts 100%. For example: The file size is 150mb and you’ve only downloaded 140mb of it. You must re-download the file.

Q: How can I get the download link(s)?
A: CLICK HERE for the instructions.

Q: How can I download one of your movies/tv series/cartoon/anime?
A: CLICK HERE for the instructions.

Q: How can I extract/join the files?
A: CLICK HERE for the instructions.

Q: How can I play the file(s)?
A: CLICK HERE for the instructions.

Q: I downloaded a RAR file, how can I fix the ‘CRC error’?
A: CLICK HERE for the instructions.

Q: One of the links is not working! Can you please re-upload it/find another file for it?
A: Please leave a comment on the post saying the links aren’t working and do paste the (dead) link/s in the comment box as well.

Q: One of the movie I downloaded is not a good copy! Why is that and can you get another one?
A: Its probably because the DVD for the movie has not been released and so, the only copy available is recorded by a camera–when people use their camera in the theatre to record the movie; and so the audio is pretty crappy and sometimes the video is not very clear. Sorry and yes I will, once I find a DVDrip copy from the internet; which usually takes a while so you need to be patient. Keep checking back to the tinypaste page for a new copy.

Q: What’s 420p, 480p, 720p, 1080p?
A: They are called video display resolutions. For more info, click here.

Q: What is a CAM, R5(LiNE), DVDRip, DVDSCR, BRRIP…?
A: They are a type of quality rip. For more info, click here.

Q: Why is that, some of the files’ name is in with characters or unreadable?
A: It is to prevent the files from being deleted and found in search engines.

Q: ADF.LY is blocked on my computer. How else am I going to download the movie/tv series/cartoon/anime that I want?
A: Email (contact [@] us about it and please include the link of the post.

Q: Why didn’t you reply to my request?
A: Because your request had either been posted or not available on the internet; no one has uploaded it. We recommend that you use the search box and look for it to see if we have posted it or CLICK HERE to see our ‘To Add list’.

Q: Did you upload all of these files you’ve posted?
A: No, We just found them on the internet and post the links here so people can easily find them. Again, we are not the rippers nor the uploaders.

Q: Do you own any of these files?
A: No.

Q: Can you please remove one of my files from your website?
A: Yeah sure, Email (contact [@] and provide us with the link for the files you want us to remove, and we will remove it as soon as possible.

Q: What does ‘Downunder’ mean?
A: It refers to Australia. Australia is generally called the land down under due to the fact it is closer to the south pole than most other continents.

Q: Why are some of the download links are not from Mediafire?
A: Because we can’t find a file of it from Mediafire and so, we try and look for another site that people may have uploaded it to.

Q: Can we link exchange?
A: Sure! Go to our Link Exchange page and apply 🙂