
How/where to get the download link(s):

  1. Click “GET DOWNLOAD LINK” link or title of the download you want.
  2. Wait for the page to load then, scroll down to find the ‘Download Link(s)’ section. [screenshot]
  3. You may now follow the next set of instructions below.

How to download:

1. Click on one of the links in the scroll box.
2. If you’re downloading a movie, you need to download ALL of the file (download) links given in the page, otherwise you won’t be able to play the movie.
3. Wait for 5 seconds, then click ‘Skip AD‘ button on the top right hand corner. If ‘Skip AD‘ button doesn’t show up, refresh your browser and try again. [screenshot]
4. You will be redirected to the download site (usually, it will be Mediafire), click green ‘Download’ button [screenshot]–or look for the download link in the page, if it’s not a Mediafire site.
5. Done! You are now downloading one of the files.
6. If you’re downloading a movie, do the same process with the remaining download links.
If you need a password to download a file, go back to where you found the download links and the password for it should be there.

If you are getting directed to Mediafire’s home page (or an error page)
rather than the actual download page
, CLICK HERE for the solution!

How to extract/join file(s):

  • For “.ZIP” files/extension, just right click on the file and select ‘Extract’.
  • For “.RAR” files/extension, download “WinRAR” to extract the content.
    [instructions] // [download 64-bit] or [download 32-bit]
  • For “.001” files/extension, download “HJSplit” to extract the content.
    [instructions] // [download for windows], [download for mac] or [download for other operating system]
  • For “._a” files/extension, download “FFSJ” to extract or else rename the extensions to “.001, .002, .003….” respectively and use HJSplit instead.
    [instructions] // [download].
  • For “.a00, .a01, .a02,…, .alz” files/extension, download “ALZip” to extract the content.
    [instructions] // [download]
  • For “.part01, .part02,” files/extension, rename it into “part01.rar, part02.rar, …” and use WinRAR to extract the content.
    [instructions] // [download 64-bit] or [download 32-bit]
  • If you need a password to extract a file, go back to where you found the download link(s) and the password for it should be there.

    How to play file(s):

    • You will have to make sure that you extract/join the file(s) before you play them.
    • If it’s a RAR, ZIP (or any other archive and compressed file extension) file, extract it and a video file should be extracted.
    • If it’s a RMVB, MKV, MP4 (or any other video file extension) file, then it should be ready to be played.
    • I recommend that you use KMPlayer because it will play whatever type of video file there is. [download]
    • OR VLC Media Player [download]

    Summary of it all

    1. Click “GET DOWNLOAD LINK(s)” link.
    2. Find “Download Link(s)” section. [screenshot]
    3. Click on download link(s) provided in the page.
    4. Wait for 5 seconds, then click “Skip AD” button on the top right hand corner. [screenshot]
    5. Click green “Download” button [screenshot]–or look for the download button in the page, if it’s not a Mediafire site.
    6. Extract or join the file(s) you’ve downloaded.
    7. Play & watch!

    It isn’t hard to do this, you’ll get used to it 🙂

    Recommended programs


    • If the download link directs you to a ‘share folder’ where there’s a list of files, click on each of the file’s name provided and download ALL of them. [screenshot]
    • Make sure that you copy only the password, don’t include any space before or after the password.
    • Make sure that you’ve completely downloaded each parts 100%. For example: The file size is 150mb and you’ve only downloaded 140mb of it.
    • All password are case sensitive, which means that you must type the password as it is shown from the page.

    Need more help?

    • Read our FAQ page: CLICK HERE!
    • If you still don’t get it, google it!

    Useful Sites/Tutorials